Otis Gibbs has a new record out, Grandpa Walked a Picketline
, and it's his best yet. I've got a review of it over at Blurt; here's a taste:
Otis Gibbs sings at labor rallies, wears an International Workers of the World baseball cap, and releases albums with covers that look like social realist posters of the 1940s. But though all of his songs are informed by politics—"I log many a mile every year, I do my best to spread the word/ To fan the flames of discontent is what I like to call the lord's work," he sings on "Damn Me"—but they're as far from agitprop as you can imagine.
Check out a sample in my playlist at right; the rest of the review is here.
I love that Fake Problems track in your playlist. I'm a bit more mixed about the new album, though.
Posted by: Joe | February 13, 2009 at 04:11 PM